Salam,oo sudah lama hamba tidak meng 'update' kan blog ini.
Jadi inilah post pertama pada bulan Novemebr ini,huhu.
Pada kali ini hamaba ingin berkongsi bersama antum2 semua mengenai fesyen pakaian orang-orang di Kuantan.
Lokasinya ialah di Kuantan Parade.
Pada hari Sabtu yang lepas iaitu 7 Nov 2009 hamba dan rakan hamba pergi ke Kuantan untuk membeli apa2 yang patut menjelang peperiksaan akhir semester bagi semester inilah,takkan bagi semester depan plak...
So pada suatu masa ketika di dalam Kuantan Parade,sementara menunggu kawan hamba membeli barangannya,hamba pun lepak-lepak kat kaki lima 1st floor. Sambil-sambil menunggu tu hamba pun melihat la gelagat-gelagat pengunjung2 KP ni. And rasa cam seronok pulak bila tgk fesyen2 pakaian yang dikenakan oleh mereka.
Lalu dengan x semena-menanya hamba pun mengambil la serba sedikit fesyen-fesyen pakaian yang dipakai mereka. Ha di bawah ini lah gambar-gambarnya hehe:-Ha pic yang ini fesyen ladies2 di kuantan atau lagi lebih tepat lagi teenage girl,erm maybe same je
dengan tempat lain kot tapi ada
hamba kisah!! hahaha
Ha pic yang ini memang faveret hamba,maklumlah gadis berfesyen pakaian muslimah bersama ibunya,sejuk mata memandang,huhuhu,=)Erm pasal yang ni pulak,pasangan berjalan-berjalan di hujun minggu,Fesyen mereka biasa2 aje maybe husband n wife kot.Yela kalau mereka ni still pasangan kekasih yang belum diijabkabulkan mestilah pakaian untuk keluar pun grand2 kan,tapi ini normal je,hehe ha,antum2 suma setuju x with me?hak3
So ape pendapat korang tentang fesyen orang-orang di Kuantan nih,up to date ke dengan fesyen semasa ke atau x?hehehehe
Actually ada lagi fesyen yang lagi menarik perhatian hamba cuma tidak sempat ditangkap gambarnya,hehe
Ok hamba rasa setakat itu dahulu blog hamba pada kali ini.Nanti hamba kirimkan lagi kalau ada cerita2 yang hamba rasa menarik,sampai berjumpa lagi.Salam.......
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Fesyen-fesyen orang Kuantan,hehe
Posted by Mohd Bukhari Bin Salleh at 1:30 AM 2 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Perubahan diri dalam Ramadhan
Betapa bestnya bulan Ramadhan ni,tahun ni aku baru merasai nikmat Ramadhan daripada start aku sahur sampai la berbuka.Banyak perubahan yang berlaku dalam diri aku berbanding bulan-bulan sebelum ni.
Ha,kalau sebelum ni,aku selalu bangun pagi untuk mengerjakan solat subuh dalam 6.30 and above,x pernah pun aku menjejakkan kaki ke masjid pada waktu subuh.Tapi sejak masuk bulan Ramadhan tahun ni,aku dah bertekad nak solat subuh di masjid and alhamdulillah setakat ni semuanya telah diizinkan Allah.Malah sekarang ni aku kalau lepas subuh tu dah tak boleh tido dah,kalau tido je,bangun-bangun mesti i'll have a headache.Yela tido lepas subuh kan tak digalakkan.So it's good for me dan walaupun kita bangun sahur pada waktu awal pagi tapi time lecture tak pernah aku mengantuk.
Itu baru sebahagian kecil la dari kelebihan Ramadhan yang aku alami.Erm dari segi beribadah tu,aku rasa aku boleh tingkatkan lagi ibadah sebab terlalu banyak cara untuk melakukan ibadah kepada Allah.
Menyentuh time lecture plak,secara sedar atau tak aku rasa tidak terlalu banyak bezanya puasa dengan tak puasa.Maksud aku tahap keletihan tu lebih kurang jela and puasa is good for our health dan juga dapat membantu menguruskan lagi badan aku,hehe.
Oh ye,sebelum aku terlupa aku nak habaq ni yang Lionel Messi telah dianugerahkan European Footballer of the Year bagi tahun ni,erm tahniah la Messi,you're the best.Ha puasa pun puasa jugak tapi bola sepak tidak boleh diabaikan huhu.
Til then,Assalamualaikum......
Posted by Mohd Bukhari Bin Salleh at 4:24 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Berbuka puasa hari pertama 2009 yang best!?
Salam,ok kali ini saya nak cerita sikit la pasal pengalaman berbuka puasa hari pertama yang tak dapat saya lupakan.
Kat Malaysia kitorang start puasa hari Sabtu.Erm mungkin some people ingat best sebab dapat rest. Tapi bagi my schedule,hari Sabtu pun i ada aktiviti. So aktiflah jugak walaupun cuti.Ha inilah perkara rutin yang kitorang buat every Saturday:-
Ehem2,segak x kitorang?hehe walaupun di dalam bulan puasa,polis sedia berkhidmat tau hehe
ha nak dijadikan cerita,time ni la kitorang discuss nakberbuka puasa di laur kamp
us petang nanti.
So petang tu lepas habis aktiviti,dalam pukl 5 p.m kitorang pun berangkatlah keluar dari kampus dan pergi ke mart untuk beli barang-
barang keperluan dulu sebab nak pergi kedai makan pun awal lagi,hehe.
Ha,gambar yang kuar majalah ni one of my friend yang nak berbuka tu la,nama dye mat alep,hehe.kitorang tengah tunggu kawan yang still queuing up lagi nak bayar kat kaunter.
So next destination kitorang pun pergi la cari kedai makan air gelas besar.Tau2 dah sampai Tanjung Lumpur and kitorang parking kat satu kedai tu.Makan agak mewah jugak la.Ha ni la bil yang kitorang kena bayar:-Nampak x berapa kena bayar?Erm kalau x nampak biar saya listkan ye,hehe:
Mangga Susu-1(GB),RM5.50
Sambal kerang(B) 1kg - RM10.00
Nasi putih(lebih)- RM7.50
Sayur kailan-3,RM 12.00
Daging merah-2,RM8.00
Pari-1300g(B), RM32.50
Total:RM 117.50
Hehe,inilah berbuka puasa yang paling expensive pernah aku makan tapi walau macam mana pun kitorang sume berpuas hati la sebab ikna pari dye pun bukan calang-clang besar beb hehe.Tapi unfortunately i x amik la gmabar ikan tu,adush.
However memang bes la sebab this opening Ramadan dah ada sweet memory dah.Hm harap2 after this my Ramadan will be more good and insyaallah He will rewarded us with full blessing.
Posted by Mohd Bukhari Bin Salleh at 11:11 PM 1 comments
Ramadan, A month full of bless
Assalamualaikum to all Muslims
Today in the 2nd day of Ramadan i would like to wish all of the Muslims, Happy Ramadan.
A month with a full bless from Allah the Almighty.Maybe we can say that in this month,we will limited our activity compare to before but for me,as a student,business as usual.I must continuing study and refill my responsibility as a student regardless what month it is.
But the specialty of this month is Allah had promise all people that he will double up our good effort and that's why i as a student feel very happy because in every second you make an effort towards goodness and you will be rewarded with a double reward.
Moreover,in this month all Muslims must woke up in the early morning to take our early breakfast that we call 'sahur'. This is a very good thing to do because normally majority of the student will wake up around 6 a.m. This will make them to miss a chance to perform Subuh prayer in jemaah at the mosque. But in this month,after taking our sahur,then we can get ready to prepare ourself before making a move to mosque to perform it.
I feel very lucky to be born in Islam and in this month i hope that i can take every chances to get more closed to Allah the Almighty. So as a student, i summoned to all my friend no matter where to change our bad habit before this and turn it to a good way so that we will know the truth greatness of Islam.
Posted by Mohd Bukhari Bin Salleh at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
New seasons
Alright,now the new seasons in my life is begin. This season is my 3rd semester at UMP. Hm wondering about my CGPA in the first year,woo woo i got a bad bad result in my entire life.Hush i think last year everything start to goes wrong for me when my favorites team,Manchester United had been beaten by the fierce and strong Barcelona in the final of UEFA Champions League final. Man.. it's so bad to not defend the title. But it's okay because we lost to the best club in 2009 i suppose.
And then now with the departure of CR7 to CR9,Man United is now looking to find a new X-Factor. Ok enough for the football,now back to the real life,this season is seemingly to be more tough than my first year. So i must prepare myself from the beginning and i want to score high this season in every way of my life.
Ok sekarang nak cakap BM plak ar,hehe erm ape yang aku maksudkan ialah aku nak bagi yang terbaik untuk diriku dari segi akedemik,sukan,ekonomi mahu pun sosial.Hehe
Oh ye lupa lak kepada budak2 perempuan skool aku dulu terima kasih la sebab jemput aku gi picnic time cuti dulu,memang korang happening habis la,best2 hehe
Erm oh ye aku jugak looking forward for the new EPL and La Liga new seasons ni,harap2 la menarik hehe.
Ha satu lagi aku nak ajak la mana2 member aku yang nak tambah pendapatan dorang kan dengan join aku nye business,hehe erm kalo nak tau lebih lanjut gi kat website ni:
ok tu je wat masa sekarang,jumpa lagi di kemudian hari,assalamualaikum
Posted by Mohd Bukhari Bin Salleh at 8:13 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
CR7 vs MESSI10,Which is the best player?
Two greatest footballer in this recent years
One from Portugal,one from Argentina
Both played for the best football club in the world
Great talent
Both young
But who is the better player?
Let's check this out:
Cristiano Ronaldo
Great header in the air
Amazing dribbling speed
A dead ball specialist
Had amazing goal scoring record
Always looking for perfection in his skill
A trickster
When he is in form,his move is unstoppable
Lionel Messi
A playmaker
Always set up goal for other player
A competent peroformer
Incredible dribbling ability
A trickster
Had many wonder goal
Established in both,country and club
When he is in form,he is unstoppable
Posted by Mohd Bukhari Bin Salleh at 3:55 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Mac,Ada Apa Dengan Mac?
Bulan Mac merupakan bulan yang aku rasakan paling hampir dengan diriku.Kenapa? Sebab aku dilahirkan pada bulan ini. Dan yang menambahkan lagi keseronokan di bulan ini ialah ramai kawan2 yang rapat dengan aku juga menyambut birthday dorang pada bulan ini.Yang paling hampir dengan aku kalau x silap aku encik Sotim(bukan nama sebenar)haha iaitu pada 6 Mac. Kemudian aku dilahirkan pada keesokan harinya iaitu 7 Mac.Dan 7 memang merupakan nombor kegemaran aku.huhu. Kemudian pada 10 Mac sorang lagi best friendku dilahirkan iaitu Mr.Fido(juga bukan nama sebenar). Dan pada 14 Mac lahirlah sorang best friend girl merangkap girlfriend bestfriend aku jugak iaitu Cik Ekin.Hehe.
So bukankah itu menggambarkan banyak kenangan padaku di bulan ini.Dan tidak lupa jugak Mr.Loque juga dilahirkan pada bulan ini.Happy Birthday ye pada korang sume.Hm actually ada sorang lagi yang bakal menyambut birthdaynya pada 31 Mac ini.Tapi aku hanya boleh wish kat dye dari jauh jela memandangkan sekarang her life dah semakin jauh meninggalkan aku,and aku wish her all the best with her boyfriend.Papepun you still my best friend.Hehe
Ha,korang ada pape yang special x bulan Mac ni?Kalau ada silalah berikan komen anda ye.Boleh kita berkongsi pengalaman kan?hehe
Posted by Mohd Bukhari Bin Salleh at 3:49 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Quintuple?Is it still possible?
Having a loss defeat to bitter rival Liverpool in last week has at least give a little scratch to all the Man United players and supporters. Of course it's including me. Although the Premier League crown is almost in our hand but the defeat is surely to be remember in quite a time. But let forget the pathetic thing and let's move on because we know although we lost to them twice already in the league but still United have a lot better quantity and quality players compare to The Reds.It's just a couple of mistakes that make The Red Devils suffered the defeat.
So now do you think Man United is still on the right track for the quintuple this season?For me it's yes,why not? Man United have not only quality starting 11 but 22 or maybe 30 players that have a good quality from the keeper until the forwards.
No let me tell all the anti of Man United that just wait for the day that we will silent all of you and we hope you will regret the day you were born for not being Man United fans.
Posted by Mohd Bukhari Bin Salleh at 5:54 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Champion League clash
Now as we all know at the end of this month there will be a great clash between 3 England clubs vs 3 Italy clubs.So before the match begun let give me your prediction about all this 3 clash of the titan result:


Time:24 February(Tuesday)


Venue:Stamford Bridge,London
Time:25 February(Wednesday)


Venue:Emirates Stadium,London
Time:24 February(Tuesday)
So now let us pick the best starting XI from this 6 clubs:-
Giorgio Chiellini (Juventus)


(Manchester United)
Maicon (Inter)

Wing Forward:
Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United)


So,did you satisfied with my choice of selection?
If you think you had a better idea,let me know your opinion
So don't miss this February the Clash Of the Titan will happened.
So sit,relax and enjoy the Champion League.
Posted by Mohd Bukhari Bin Salleh at 8:44 PM 4 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Mabuk laut,udara atau darat?
Jika ditafsir dalam bahas Melayu bermaksud anda akan merasa pening,mual2 dan juga muntah.Kadan2 pitam juga akan boleh berlaku kepada mereka yang mengalami vertigo.Situasi setiap orang adalah berbeza.Seperti saya sendiri,saya akan merasa keadaan ini apabila saya mula membaca sewaktu berada di dalam kenderaan.Mula kepala akan rasa pening-pening.Pastu peluh mula keluar walaupun berada dalam aircond.
Bagi individu yang mengalami penyakit Menviere(erm aku pun xtau penyajit ni penyakit ape)tapi yang aku tau dorang ni mendengar bunyi dengan tinnitus iaitu merasakn telinga mereka terasa penuh atau pandangan terjejas pada sebelah telinga.Individu ini jugak senang nak dapat jangkitan.Telinga dalam pula berasa sangat mual dan menjadi lebih teruk kalau dorang gerakkan kepala atau alih pandangan.
Tapi ada jugak cara-cara nak elakkan vertigo ni
Antaranya ialah:
b)Jangan membaca dalam kenderaan(huhu,ni pun petua baik punya hehe)
c)Before going for a trip,janganla makan kenyang2,barula x kena vertigo hehe
Erm itu jela kot yang saya boleh kongsi,tapi kalo kawan2 ada pendapat lain tentang vertigo ni silakanlah berikan opinion ek hehe,tambah2 kalo ada bakal2 doktor tu ke,sila beri komen ye
ok i think that's all kot see ya later
Posted by Mohd Bukhari Bin Salleh at 4:27 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Things that might not cross over girls' mind about guys.......
> 1) Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about....
> .
> 2) Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.
> .
> 3) Guys go crazy over a girl's smile(:
> .
> 4) A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
> .
> 5) Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
> .
> 6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
> .
> 7) A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
> .
> .
> 9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot.
> .
> 10)If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
> .
> 11)If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and he is really thinking about something
> .
> 12) When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is
> Guys rarely say that
> .
> 13)When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me"
> .
> 14)If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
> .
> 15) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking
> something.
> .
> 16) Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them
> .
> 17)A guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.
> .
> 18)No guy can handle all his problems on his own.
> He's just too stubborn to admit it
> .
> Just because ONE is RUDE doesnt mean he represents ALL of them
> .
> .
> 21)Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life
I got this from my friend's boyfriend....Interesting!!
Posted by Mohd Bukhari Bin Salleh at 1:53 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
You Love Make Me Strong,Your Hate Makes Me Unstoppable
Cristiano Ronaldo Dos Santos Aveiro.A player that was born in Madeira,Lisbon in 5 February 1985.He is the boy that like to played football,when he was 12 years old,he got a chance to played with one of the biggest club in Portugal,Sporting Lisbon.So from there he keep training and training with his football and now this man has become one of the most talented fottballer in the world.After shine with Sporting Lisbon in a match with Manchester United,then MU manager was feel attracted to his way of playing football.So with the departure of the Man United No.7 shirt holder,David Beckham,MU has decided to take Ronaldo to Old Trafford and he was being giving honoure
d to wear the no.7 shirt.The number that always be the special one for the Man United player.
So,this young lad now has become one of my idol and of course Man United is my favourite team.Cristiano Ronaldo once has become the enemy of England football fans after his behave that lead to Wayne Rooney red card in World Cup 2006.But as his moto said,hate make him unstoppable and he proved it that he can be the best among the best.I don't care if other people think that CR7 like to act during match but i know all of them is envy with the excellent display that Ronaldo showed in his match.Therefore i like to tell all of the anti of Ronaldo that your hate is just make him better and better.Good display with Man United,one of the most succesful club in Europe and also World.
Posted by Mohd Bukhari Bin Salleh at 10:03 PM 5 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Stop the disaster to the world,please.......
Baru-baru ni aku baru lepas download lagu-lagu michael jackson.At first aku ingatkan lagu-lagu MJ ni semuanya berunsur pop.Maksud aku lagu-lagu dye yang faymes macam Beat It,Thriller and Billy Jean.Pastu aku tengok lagi list-list lagu dye aku terjumpa lagu bertajuk 'Heal the World' dengan lagu Earth Song.Aku ingatkan lagu ni macam lagu-lagu dye yang lain. Pastu lepas aku download semua lagu dye aku dengar la. And aku dengar la dua-dua lagu yang aku ingat pop ni.Sekali lagu dye ceritakan pasal dunia.Pasal human nature.Erm memang bes lagu dye. Baru aku tahu kenapa MJ ni faymes sangat di mata dunia dan lagu ni la yang menyedarkan aku betapa bumi sekarang telah dilanda pelbagai penyakit yang dicipta oleh manusia sendiri. Aku turut bersimpati sangat-sangat dengan remaja-remaja yang sebaya dengan aku yang hidup dekat negara-negara yang tak stabil macam Palestin.
Bayangkanlah mereka tidak pernah hidup aman sampailah sekarang. Aku tahu aku tidak mampu untuk membantu mereka melalui bantuan ketenteraan atau kewangan tapi aku selalu berdoa agar pihak-pihak yang berkuasa seperti PBB(persatuan bangsa-bangsa bersatu)dapat melaksanakn tanggungjawabnya menolong bangsa-bangsa yang sengsara seperti bangsa Palestin.
Aku betul-betul tak paham kenapalah mereka nak memusnahkan Palestin dan tidak menghalang bangsa Israel daripada terus menghancurkan mereka. Adakah ia disebabkan masalah agama? Well aku tak nak sentuh bahagian tu because i know it's very sensitive to all the races but at least as a human we must have our sympathy towards other human.Di sini aku ingin menyeru kepada rakan-rakanku agar terus menerus berdoa to our god to protect all of the people of Palestin kerana mereka merupakan saudara-saudara kita yang berjuang untuk mempertahankan rumah Allah dari dimusnahkan.Amiiin
Posted by Mohd Bukhari Bin Salleh at 8:12 PM 2 comments